Best of this Week Summary 18 May - 24 May 2009
- Tutorial in which you learn to build an SOA application which is listening for incidents coming from web service or files. According to the origin, the content (= incidents) are transformed into their corresponding objects using for the CSV file, a new Camel component : camel-bindy and for the Web Service camel-cxf component. Each message transformed is placed in a queue handled by ActiveMQ engine. All the messages (containing the objects) are next processed by a Bean service who will (with the help of injection of dependency provided by Spring) save the incidents in a DB using Spring and Hibernate frameworks.
A small Apache Wicket web application running in Jetty Web server provide to the users a screen to consult the incidents created. - This feed is handy to follow to see what's getting more mainstream traction and technology trends. E.g Thought Leadership: Technology Brief May 2009.
- All of Dion Hinchcliffe web 2.0 diagrams at one place.
- JSON REST webservices best practices described by the Feedly team. A related more general pros & cons of REST are described in this article.
- WiQuery aims to integrate the JavaScript frameworks jQuery and jQuery UI with Wicket, a Java framework providing a real way to create web applications with an OO approach. Other integrations like with MooTools, Dojo and Scriptaculous with Prototype can be found here. BTW, a comparison between MooTools and jQuery can be found here.
- The distinction between a spring singleton and a java singleton explained.
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