Wednesday, September 27, 2023

SpringDoc OpenAPI Swagger generated Swagger API shows incorrect class with same name


When you have multiple classes with the same name in your classpath, SpringDoc with Swagger API annotations potentially picks the wrong class with the same name when generating the Swagger UI documentation.

Suppose you have these classes:

  • org.example.BookDto
  • org.example.domain.BookDto

And you specified your endpoint like this, where you want to have it use org.example.BookDto:

  @Operation(summary = "Get a list of books for a given shop")
    value = [
        responseCode = "200",
        description = "A list of books",
        content = [Content(mediaType = "application/json",
                    array = ArraySchema(schema = Schema(implementation = BookDto::class)))]
  fun getBooksByShopId(
    @Parameter(description = "Shop to search for")
    @PathVariable shopId: Long
  ): List<BookDto> {
    return bookService.getBooksByShopId(shopId)
      .map { BooksMapper.mapDto(it) }

Then whatever it finds first on the classpath will be visible in https://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html. Not necessarily the class you meant, it might pick org.example.domain.BookDto.  


  • Spring Boot 3
  • Kotlin 1.8
  • Springdoc OpenAPI 2.2.0


Several solutions exist:

Solution 1

Specify in your application.yml:

 use-fqn: true


Disadvantage: the Swagger documentation in the swagger-ui.html endpoint has then the fully specified package classpath + classname in it. Looks ugly. 

Solution 2

Setting it in the @Bean configuration:

import io.swagger.v3.core.jackson.TypeNameResolver
  fun openAPI(): OpenAPI? {

    return OpenAPI()
        Info().title("Books Microservice")
          .description("The Books Microservice")
          .description("Books Microservice documentation")

Disadvantage: also in this solution the Swagger documentation in the swagger-ui.html endpoint has then the fully specified package classpath + classname in it. Looks ugly.

Solution 3

You can create your own ModelConverters, but that is much more work. Examples here: and

Solution 4

Make sure for each endpoint you specify the response class with full class package path:

@Operation(summary = "Get a list of books for a given shop")
    value = [
        responseCode = "200",
        description = "A list of books",
        content = [Content(mediaType = "application/json",
                    array = ArraySchema(schema = Schema(implementation =
  fun getBooksByShopId(
    @Parameter(description = "Shop to search for")
    @PathVariable shopId: Long
  ): List<BookDto> {
    return bookService.getBooksByShopId(shopId)
      .map { BooksMapper.mapDto(it) }

 See the bold Schema implementation value for what changed.