Tuesday, December 26, 2023

OWASP DependencyCheck returns 403 Forbidden accessing NVD API using API key


Recently, the NVD (National Vulnerability Database) which the Owasp dependency check plugin uses to get its data from to check for vulnerabilities, has introduced the use of an API key. That's for them to better control access and throttling - imagine how many companies and organizations are using that API, each time a dependency check build is performed. Especially those that don't cache the NVD database and at each run retrieve it again. And be aware: "... previous versions of dependency-check utilize the NVD data feeds which will be deprecated on Dec 15th, 2023. Versions earlier then 9.0.0 are no longer supported and could fail to work after Dec 15th, 2023."

But this introduction doesn't go without some hiccups. For example it is possible to still get HTTP 403 Forbidden responses, even while you have a valid key. Here's my research while trying to fix it.


  • Gradle 7.x
  • Dependency Check v9.0.6 (issue applies at least for versions > 8.4.3)
  • Configuration:

    dependencyCheck {
        failBuildOnCVSS = 6
        failOnError = true
        suppressionFile = '/bamboo/owasp/suppressions.xml'
        nvd.apiKey = '

    You can also set it dynamically via an environment variable like this:

    dependencyCheck {
      nvd {
        apiKey = System.getProperty("ENV_NVD_API_KEY")

  • Via commandline you can invoke it like this:

    ./gradlew dependencyCheckAggregate -DENV_NVD_API_KEY=<yourkey>



First you should check if your API key is valid by execution this command:

curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "apiKey: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -v https://services.nvd.nist.gov/rest/json/cves/2.0\?cpeName\=cpe:2.3:o:microsoft:windows_10:1607:\*:\*:\*:\*:\*:\*:\*

(where xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx is your NVD API key)

That should return JSON (and not a 404). Now you know your API key is valid.

Some have some success with setting the delay longer:

    nvd {
        apiKey = System.getProperty("ENV_NVD_API_KEY")
        delay = 6000 // milliseconds, default is 2000 with API key, 8000 without

Commandline version:

--nvdDelay 6000

You can also increase the validForHours option, but that doesn't work if during you construct completely new Docker containers each build - you lose that history.

All NVD options you can pass to DependencyCheck are found here.

But currently (27 December 2023) all the above efforts don't always fix the problem of the 403. Sometimes it works for a while, but then not again. If you  build many projects in your company at about the same time, you still have a chance of getting throttled of course.

The best solution is to create a local cache so you are less dependent on NVID API calls (and thus the throttling).


Other causes mentioned

  • Being behind a proxy with your whole company, see https://github.com/jeremylong/DependencyCheck/issues/6127 and "If you have multiple builds happening at the same time - using the same API key you could hit the NVD rate limiting threshold. Ideally, in an environment with multiple builds you would implement some sort of caching strategy". See: https://github.com/jeremylong/DependencyCheck/issues/6195
  • Use --data argument to control cache location.
  • It appears the NVD has put a temporary block on all requests that use a virtualMatchString of "cpe:2.3:a" - outstanding issue.



Saturday, November 4, 2023

MapStruct library: setting a field with an expression to a ZonedDateTime



- Mapstruct 1.5.5
- Kotlin 1.8
- IntelliJ 2023.2.3


For a mapping between two classes, the source class did not have the mandatory (non-null, Kotlin!) target class field created. And I wanted to fill it with the current ZonedDateTime class, with the timezone of Amsterdam/Europe. And that specific ZoneId is a constant in my Application.kt class named MY_DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE.


So I looked at the expression field in @Mapping found here.
I got this solution working quite fast with: 

@Mapping(target = "created", expression = "java(ZonedDateTime.now())"). 

But as you see, the ZoneId constant is still missing.

Potential other solutions

I had to try quite a few things to get that working, because the class ZoneId was not getting recognized in the generated implementation MapStruct mapper.
In the end this worked:

@Mapper(componentModel = MappingConstants.ComponentModel.SPRING, imports = [ZoneId::class, Application::class])
interface MyMapper {

  @Mapping(target = "created", expression = "java(ZonedDateTime.now(my.package.Application.MY_DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE))")
  fun myDtoToResponseDto(myDto: MyDto): ResponseDto
Note the imports field to have the class ZoneId and the constant available (imported) in the implementation class, generated by MapStruct.

In the Application.kt you then have to make the MY_DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE constant available to Java, since that's what MapStruct uses as language:

  companion object {

    val MY_DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE: ZoneId = ZoneId.of("Europe/Amsterdam")

I also tried this: 

@Mapping(target = "created", source = ".", qualifiedByName = ["getValue"]) 

with a function:

@Named(value = "getValue")
fun getValue(myDto: MyDto): ZonedDateTime {
  return ZonedDateTime.now(MY_DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE)

The advantage of this solution is that you can use Kotlin code and you don't have to wait and see if your expression has the correct syntax and will compile.
But then I got this error: ZonedDateTime does not have an accessible constructor. I also tried to wrap the field created in a small class, but that didn't work either (could be me :)
See this and this for more details on how that should work.

I also tried with the @JvmDefault annotation, but that is deprecated + it requires you to use the -Xjvm-default property, which I couldn't get to work in IntelliJ with Gradle.
And it is not always guaranteed to work, see here and here and here:

I'm definitely still a beginner in using MapStruct. So probably one of the other methods could work too... Any tips are welcome :)

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

SpringDoc OpenAPI Swagger generated Swagger API shows incorrect class with same name


When you have multiple classes with the same name in your classpath, SpringDoc with Swagger API annotations potentially picks the wrong class with the same name when generating the Swagger UI documentation.

Suppose you have these classes:

  • org.example.BookDto
  • org.example.domain.BookDto

And you specified your endpoint like this, where you want to have it use org.example.BookDto:

  @Operation(summary = "Get a list of books for a given shop")
    value = [
        responseCode = "200",
        description = "A list of books",
        content = [Content(mediaType = "application/json",
                    array = ArraySchema(schema = Schema(implementation = BookDto::class)))]
  fun getBooksByShopId(
    @Parameter(description = "Shop to search for")
    @PathVariable shopId: Long
  ): List<BookDto> {
    return bookService.getBooksByShopId(shopId)
      .map { BooksMapper.mapDto(it) }

Then whatever it finds first on the classpath will be visible in https://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html. Not necessarily the class you meant, it might pick org.example.domain.BookDto.  


  • Spring Boot 3
  • Kotlin 1.8
  • Springdoc OpenAPI 2.2.0


Several solutions exist:

Solution 1

Specify in your application.yml:

 use-fqn: true


Disadvantage: the Swagger documentation in the swagger-ui.html endpoint has then the fully specified package classpath + classname in it. Looks ugly. 

Solution 2

Setting it in the @Bean configuration:

import io.swagger.v3.core.jackson.TypeNameResolver
  fun openAPI(): OpenAPI? {

    return OpenAPI()
        Info().title("Books Microservice")
          .description("The Books Microservice")
          .description("Books Microservice documentation")

Disadvantage: also in this solution the Swagger documentation in the swagger-ui.html endpoint has then the fully specified package classpath + classname in it. Looks ugly.

Solution 3

You can create your own ModelConverters, but that is much more work. Examples here:  https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-core/wiki/Swagger-2.X---Extensions#extending-core-resolver and https://groups.google.com/g/swagger-swaggersocket/c/kKM546QXGY0

Solution 4

Make sure for each endpoint you specify the response class with full class package path:

@Operation(summary = "Get a list of books for a given shop")
    value = [
        responseCode = "200",
        description = "A list of books",
        content = [Content(mediaType = "application/json",
                    array = ArraySchema(schema = Schema(implementation =
  fun getBooksByShopId(
    @Parameter(description = "Shop to search for")
    @PathVariable shopId: Long
  ): List<BookDto> {
    return bookService.getBooksByShopId(shopId)
      .map { BooksMapper.mapDto(it) }

 See the bold Schema implementation value for what changed.



Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Unknown application error occurred Runtime.Unknown - Startup issue AWS Serverless Lambda


Trying to invoke a deployed AWS Serverless Lambda on AWS, I was getting this error CloudWatch when trying to invoke the lambda via an SQS event, published by another service in my landscape:
2023-08-15T15:20:44.047+02:00 START RequestId: ab924ff5-236c-5b09-8a29-12a0b9447e41 Version: $LATEST
2023-08-15T15:20:45.223+02:00 Unknown application error occurred
  Unknown application error occurred Runtime.Unknown
2023-08-15T15:20:45.223+02:00 END RequestId: ab924ff5-236c-5b09-8a29-12a0b9447e41


That's all. No more details. Nothing appeared in Datadog to which my CW logging is forwarded to. But the lambda ran fine when running it locally in IntelliJ using the SAM AWS Toolkit, with me logged in with my IAM role.
Adding logging or a try/catch wouldn't do anything, since this error appears already before the lambda even gets invoked.
  • AWS Serverless Lambda
  • IAM
  • IntelliJ AWS Toolkit
  • Kotlin 1.8.10
  • CloudWatch
  • Datadog
  • AWS Parameter Store
  • KMS
  • SSM
  • SQS


Then I tried to trigger the lambda via the AWS console by manually creating the SQS event and sending it on the SQS queue the lambda is listening to. There I did get the details of the error shown:

  "errorMessage": "User: arn:aws:sts::100004:assumed-role/my-lambda-role-acc/my-lambda is not authorized to perform: ssm:GetParameter on resource: arn:aws:ssm:eu-west-1:
100004:parameter/abc/apikey because no identity-based policy allows the ssm:GetParameter action (Service: AWSSimpleSystemsManagement; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: 657c62f2-3527-42e0-8ee4-xxxxxxxx; Proxy: null)",
  "errorType": "com.amazonaws.services.simplesystemsmanagement.model.AWSSimpleSystemsManagementException"
See this screenshot: 

The reason it worked locally is probably because there I'm logged in with a different IAM account (with more permissions) than when the lambda is deployed in the AWS cloud.

Then after fixing that by adding the path abc/apikey to the key as resource, I got this error:
  "errorMessage": "User: arn:aws:sts::
is not authorized to perform: kms:Decrypt on resource: arn:aws:kms:eu-west-1:
100004:key/ff841b70-5038-6f0b-8621-xxxxxx because no identity-based policy
allows the kms:Decrypt action (Service: AWSKMS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: aaa5a8d0-d26e-5051-7ac0-xxxxxxxx; Proxy: null)
(Service: AWSSimpleSystemsManagement; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: f807b8d7-826e-4d4c-9b5c-xxxxxxx; Proxy: null)",
  "errorType": "com.amazonaws.services.simplesystemsmanagement.model.AWSSimpleSystemsManagementException"

So the KMS decrypt is not allowed (no permission for) on that specific AWS Parameter Store entry abc/apikey.

The fix here was to add the action for the correct resource, see the items in bold:

  statement {
    sid    = "AllowReadingParameterStoreParameters"
    effect = "Allow"

    actions = [

    resources = [

Note that the error gave away already a little on how to name that resource. Be aware that this way you potentially give more Decrypt access than you want...

Other tips to try if you ever have this Runtime.Unknown error (but did not try): Instrumenting Java code in AWS Lambda.
And some more generic tips for troubleshooting during/before invocation.
And while executing: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/troubleshooting-execution.html

Friday, July 21, 2023

Too many open files in AWS Lambda serverless troubleshooting


One of my Kotlin lambdas was throwing Too many open files exceptions and thus logging errors, but only nightly, when it got bursts of SQS messages to process. 

To find out what was causing these errors, I followed these steps:
  1. Read up on what can be the causes
  2. Determine what/where in the code is not closing the file descriptors
  3. Find a solution to the issue
  4. Then fix the issue
After reading up, it turned out that it can be actual files not getting closed, but open connections also use file descriptors, so they count for the total number of open File Descriptors (FDs).

I also found out that for AWS Lambda Serverless, the maximum open file descriptors is fixed to 1024. Normally in Linux systems you can modify that limit e.g with the ulimit  command, but not in the lambdas execution runtimes. Thus a quick fix of increasing the open files limit wasn't possible.

Important to know too when analyzing this problem is that "... Lambda doesn't send more than one invocation at a time to the same container. The container is not used for a second invocation until the first one finishes. If a second request arrives while a first one is running, the second one will run in a different container. When Lambda finishes processing the first request, this execution environment can then process additional requests for the same function. In general, each instance of your execution environment can handle at most 10 requests per second. This limit applies to synchronous on-demand functions, as well as functions that use provisioned concurrency. In you're unfamiliar with this limit, you may be confused as to why such functions could experience throttling in certain scenarios." Partially from: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-concurrency.html  My addition: note that in the above mentioned 10 requests per second performance, still those 10 requests are handled sequentially!!

Note that no events were lost in the end when the exceptions occurred; AWS lambda recovered by itself by providing the events again from the queue, since these were not processed due to the exception. It also scaled up the number of instances significantly, probably due to the burst and it detecting that messages were not getting processed sufficiently quick.

To the determine the cause of the open file descriptors, I tried several options to find out how many and which files are opened by what:
  1. Try by using a Java MXBean
  2. Try the File Leak Detector library
  3. Try via Linux commands
  4. Force Garbage Collections
  5. Examine the code for potential spots where files and connections are reopened over and over again
Not tried but could be an option to explore: track the network connections created, e.g get the open connections count from OkHttpClient. Something like this: OkHttpClient().newBuilder().build()..dispatcher().runningCallsCount()

  • AWS lambda

  • Kotlin 1.8.10

  • Java 17

  • Retrofit2

  • IntelliJ

  • Gradle

Java MXBean open files detection

This option only supports showing the amount of open file descriptors. Not which part(s) of the lambda have a given file descriptor in use.
val os: OperatingSystemMXBean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean()
if (os is UnixOperatingSystemMXBean) {
  logger.info("Number of open fd: " + (os as UnixOperatingSystemMXBean).openFileDescriptorCount)

Found via: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16360720/how-to-find-out-number-of-files-currently-open-by-java-application

Note the call will fail at the moment the Too many files error starts to happen, because logging and many other calls require a file descriptor; and the MXBean itself probably too.... So all you can see is that number of open file descriptors increase and increase up to the exception.

File Leak Detector open files detection

I used v1.13 since v1.15 was not available on Maven Central.
First you have to get this library on the command line when starting the Lambda. But after supplying the java agent to the command line of the AWS lambda like this:

java -javaagent:lib/file-leak-detector.jar

the error during startup was:

Failed to find Premain-Class manifest attribute in lib/file-leak-detector-1.13.jar

Error occurred during initialization of VM

agent library failed to init: instrument

That error shows up because the MANIFEST.MF file is missing the Premain-Class entry, which tells the runtime what the main method is to start the agent.

I tried some other paths to verify the path was correct; if the path is incorrect you get a message like “Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing”.

(note that I already had a -javaagent argument on the command line for Datadog. Both added caused the deployment to fail with a timeout; didn't further investigate why, I just removed that Datadog -javaagent for now)

And indeed when I looked inside  the MANIFEST.MF of the file-leak-detector-v1.13.jar, no such entryI then downloaded the source code of the library from Github and noticed another jar file getting created: file-leak-detector-1.16-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

(note here I switched to v1.16-snapshot just to have the latest)

And in there, the Premium-Class is set!

Premain-Class: org.kohsuke.file_leak_detector.AgentMain

I then decided to add the new jar locally to the build of the lambda, for testing purposes, as described here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20700053/how-to-add-local-jar-file-dependency-to-build-gradle-file

The jar was put in the 'libs' directory which I created in the root directory of the (IntelliJ) Gradle project.  Gradle depencency: implementation files('libs/file-leak-detector-1.16-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar')

After that, the File Leak Detector started up fine, as can be seen from these messages:

File leak detector installed

Could not load field socket from SocketImpl: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: socket

Could not load field serverSocket from SocketImpl: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: serverSocket

Note the last two messages are due to Java17+ not allowing this anymore, you can find more details about this when searching for those exact error messages in the File Leak Detector source code.

I then did have SocketExceptions appear at the nightly runs too like “Caused by: java.net.SocketException: Too many open files” so I couldn't tell too much yet. It seems the lib-file-leak-detector is then not dumping the open files, probably because the above mentioned Java 17+ issue. Or something else went wrong, at least I couldn't see any dumps in AWS CloudWatch though.

So I set up my own listener from the library, so I could then dump the open files whenever I wanted. It is possible, but no full example is given; the *Demo.java examples give some ideas away. Here's what I used:

logger.info("Is leak detector agent installed = " + Listener.isAgentInstalled()")
if (Listener.isAgentInstalled()) {
  try {
    val b = ByteArrayOutputStream()
    logger.info("The current open files Listener dump = $b")
    val currentOpenFiles = Listener.getCurrentOpenFiles()
    logger.info("The current open files Listener list size = ${currentOpenFiles.size}")
    var jarFilesCounter = 0
    currentOpenFiles.forEach {
      when (it) {
        is Listener.FileRecord -> {
          if (!it.file.name.endsWith("jar")) {
            logger.info("File named " + it.file + " is opened by thread:" + it.threadName)
          } else {
        else -> logger.info("Found record by Listener is not a file record, skipping")
    logger.info("Of the open files, $jarFilesCounter are .jar files, those were skipped in the logging of the list of files currently open")
  } catch (ex: Exception) {
    logger.error("Dump of current open files failed with exception: ", ex)
} else {
  logger.info("Leak detector agent is not installed, so not dumping open files")
Note I skipped the jars during logging, which I noticed count for a lot of the open files listed.

The Listener.dump() lists all open files, instead of showing how many times a given file is opened. I couldn't find anything mentioning the library does support this; would be a very useful feature.

I noticed the open files count was always lower than when using the MXBean. My guess is that the MXBean does count the open Socket connections too. And thus is much more precise. 

Linux commands open files detection

There are two ways in Kotlin (and Java) to execute a command on the command line:

    p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command)


    val pb = ProcessBuilder(command, arguments)
    val startedProcess = pb.start()

I tried both ways. My goal was to use the 'lsof' command, but that was not available in the lambda runtime. Then I tried to get the user of the process. And the process ID of the lambda itself. Then via /procs/fd one could find what files are kept open by a give PID.

These commands worked:

      val pb = ProcessBuilder("sh", "-c", "echo $$")

      val startedProcess = pb.start()

      val pb = ProcessBuilder("sh", "-c", "ls -al")
      val startedProcess = pb.start()

      val pb = ProcessBuilder("sh", "-c", "ls -al /proc")
      val startedProcess = pb.start()

      p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("id -u $userName")

These didn't work:

      p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/proc/self/status")
      p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("echo PID  = $$")
      p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("$$")
      val pb = ProcessBuilder("echo", "$$")
      val pb = ProcessBuilder("$$")
      p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command)  // Exited with value 2, so probably invalid command

When I got the PID, I tried this to get the open FDs by this PID in different ways, but that failed:

      val pb = ProcessBuilder("sh", "-c", "ls -al /proc/$pidFound/fd")

After listing all files in the current directory via this command:

      val pb = ProcessBuilder("sh", "-c", "ls -al /proc")

I saw that none of the numbers (PIDs) listed there were matching the found PID!  At this point I stopped further exploring this option, since then I wouldn't find the open files in /proc/$pidFound/fd anyway....

Force GC

A theory why the Too many open files error is appearing was that the Java runtime doesn't get enough time to clean up (garbage collect) the opened file descriptors. 
So to test this theory, I forced a Garbage Collect after each 50 invocations of the lambda instance. Of course calling System.gc() doesn't fully guarantee it will happen right at that moment, e.g when the runtime is too busy it will happen later.
To cater for that I also added a Thread.sleep() call.  Yes this solution normally is a potential performance killer, but an option to verify the theory. This is the code I used:

      if (nrOfInvocationsOfThisLambdaInstance % 50L == 0L) {
        logger.info("$nrOfInvocationsOfThisLambdaInstance % 50 == 0, so going to garbage collect")
        try {
        } catch (e: Throwable) {
          logger.error("Unable to garbage collect due to: ${e.message}. Full details in the exception.", e)
        logger.info("$nrOfInvocationsOfThisLambdaInstance % 50 == 0, so going to runFinalization")
        try {
        } catch (e: Throwable) {
          logger.error("Unable to runFinalization due to: ${e.message}. Full details in the exception.", e)

        logger.info("Going to sleep() so it hopefully gets time to GC...")
        try {
        } catch (i: InterruptedException) {
          // ignore

And indeed, the Too many open files error was gone!  But this couldn't really be the final acceptable solution of course.

Examine the code for keeping files open

See below.


So at this point I only had some idea of how many open files there were at a certain point. I saw the number using the MXBean solution go up to about 1023 and then the Too many open files error started to appear.
In the code I did find a spot where it was opening and reading a configuration file on each incoming request!  After moving that code into an object class (or init{} block, or val variable at class level), the Too many open files error started to appear already much later (as in: the number of open files count went up much slower and the exception occurred less).
So I was moving into the right direction!   Also, the errors were all SocketExceptions now.  After investigating the code some more and more, I noticed the OkHttpClient was getting created each time an HTTP request to an external third party was made (which is relatively slow of course).   After also moving this part into an object class, the error was completely gone!

Conclusion: the tools gave some more insights on what was going on, and I learned quite few things on how/where/when file descriptors are used in lambdas, but in the end the problem was found during plain old code examination :)

Friday, April 21, 2023

OWASP Dependency Check plugin suppressions.xml examples


One of the features of the OWASP dependency check plugin is to be able to suppress reported vulnerabilities, for example because they are false-positives for your configuration, or no new version is available yet, so you want to suppress the alert for a certain period of time.

Those suppressions you specify in the suppressions.xml file. The format is specified here.

But not all possibilities of suppressing have examples. Especially those where you just want to exclude a whole set of packages, e.g. everything of the Spring framework starting with 'spring-', like 'spring-webflux', 'spring-web' etc for a given version.

After some trial and here I came up with some more additional useful examples.



  • Kotlin 1.8.10
  • Gradle
  • Spring Boot 2.7.9
  • failBuildOnCVSS set to 7
  • OWASP plugin versions tested: 7.2.1, 8.0.0


Reported vulnerabilities as HIGH

  • logback-core-1.3.0.jar
  • logback-classic-1.3.0.jar
  • <packageUrl regex="true">^pkg:maven/ch\.qos\.logback/logback-core@1.3.*$</packageUrl>
    Will not show logback-core anymore in the report as HIGH.

  • <packageUrl regex="true">^pkg:maven/ch\.qos\.logback/logback.*@1.3.*$</packageUrl>
    Will not report neither logback-core nor logback-classic anymore as vulnerabilities.
Full example of the suppression:

    <suppress until="2023-10-01Z">
        No new version exists yet for any version after this version.
        <packageUrl regex="true">^pkg:maven/ch\.qos\.logback/logback.*@1.3.*$</packageUrl>

Reported vulnerabilities as HIGH

  • spring-webflux-5.3.25.jar
  • spring-messaging-5.3.25.jar
    • <packageUrl regex="true">^pkg:maven/org\.springframework/spring-.*@5.3.25$</packageUrl>
      Will not report neither of the two as vulnerabilities anymore.
    Notice the ".*" used!

    Full example of the suppression:

        <suppress until="2023-10-01Z">
            No new version exists yet for any version after 5.3.26, which has the same issue.
            <packageUrl regex="true">^pkg:maven/org\.springframework/spring-.*@5.3.25$</packageUrl>

    And here some examples that don't work:
    • <packageUrl regex="true">^pkg:maven/ch\.qos\.logback/logback-*@1.3.*$</packageUrl>
      Shows both logback-core and logback-classic again in the report.

    • <packageUrl regex="true">^pkg:maven/ch\.qos\.logback/logback*@1.3.*$</packageUrl>
      Shows both logback-core and logback-classic again in the report.
    Another thing to know from here: the vulnerabilities report can show an issue as MEDIUM, while the vulnerability reports as a 8.5 in the CVSSv2 ranking, while the CVSSv3 rates it at 6.6. So the report seems to take only the CVSSv3 value into account for the Highest Severity level.

    Thursday, March 16, 2023

    Datadog: Malformed _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID value Root - also known as X-Amzn-Trace-Id


    Since 14 March 2023 suddenly my AWS lambdas started to log this error:

    datadog: Malformed _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID value: Root=1-6411cb3d-e6a0db584029dba86a594b7e;Parent=8c34f5ad8f92d510;Sampled=0;Lineage=f627d632:0

    Note that the lambda processing was finishing normally, this metrics logging to Datadog is happening apparently in the background.



    After a lot of searching, I found out that the datadog-lambda-java library was causing the issue, since that same day the issue was reported here in its Github repository.
    Which also seems to point to the code that is the culprit: the length != 3 is assuming that the trace field will always consist of exactly 3 parts. But its specifications allow for more, so it seems AWS added another part.
    The definition of the header can be found here and here where the examples still have 3 elements (parts separated by a ';'), but can now be 4.


    A patch has been posted, but as the 3rd comment says, the library is deprecated anyway. Here is the upgrade guide.
    UPDATE 24 March 2023: the patch has been applied and a new release has been made! See https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-lambda-java/pull/90 for the 1.4.10 release.


    Wednesday, February 15, 2023

    AWS SAM CLI FileNotFoundError: WinError 3: The system cannot find the path specified .class class Kotlin 1.7 Windows 10


    The AWS SAM CLI command 

    sam.cmd build MyFunction --template C:\techie\workspace\my-function\local\template.yaml --build-dir C:\techie\workspace\my-function\local\.aws-sam\build --debug 

    fails in an IntelliJ commandline terminal due to this 

    FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified 



    - Windows 10 Pro laptop

    - IntelliJ 2022

    - Kotlin 1.7

    - Java 11 at least for compilation

    - Serverless lambda written in Kotlin

    - AWS SAM CLI, version 1.67.0

    - AWS Toolkit plugin for IntelliJ 


    First I tried to install SAM AWS CLI using HomeBrew (formerly Brew) in WSL 1 (ubuntu) under Windows 10 using these steps: 


    But that failed during Homebrew installation. Probably upgrading to WSL 2 would fix that. But then I also realized: IntelliJ then doesn't know about that at all, since SAM CLI is then installed in WSL, not in Windows.

    It kept on saying after running brew postinstall --verbose --debug gcc

    ==> Installing aws-sam-cli from aws/tap

    Error: An exception occurred within a child process:

      Errno::EFAULT: Bad address - /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/gcc-12

    And also:

    Warning: The post-install step did not complete successfully

    You can try again using:

      brew postinstall gcc

    Also trying brew postinstall --verbose --debug gcc didn't succeed.  This error mentioned here was also applicable: https://github.com/orgs/Homebrew/discussions/4052

    I also didn't dare wsl --update because other configurations I already had set up might fail after that. Guess I will do that at a more quiet moment :)

    So then I went for the manual installation in Windows, as found here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/serverless-application-model/latest/developerguide/install-sam-cli.html

    In IntelliJ you then have to set the path to the executable to where you installed it:

    So IntelliJ will use the Windows AWS SAM CLI, not the one in the terminal (WSL 1).

    Than I ran my command, first outside IntelliJ to be able to control the parameters more easily:

    C:\Users\techie>C:\Amazon\AWSSAMCLI\bin\sam.cmd build MyFunction --template C:\techie\workspace\my-function\local\template.yaml --build-dir C:\techie\workspace\my-function\local\.aws-sam\build --debug

    But that gave this error:

    FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified: 'C:\\Users\\techie\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpmjdhug40\\7c98ad184709dded6b1c874ece2a0edea9c55b0a\\build\\classes\\kotlin\\test\\com\\mycompany\\myfunction\\domain\\MyServiceTest$should register valid make this a long text to exceed this successfully$2.class'

    First I thought it was due to spaces in the test-methodname. But replacing them with an underscore didn't work either. Or maybe case-insensitive-ness; but my test-methodname is all lowercase.

    I tried many things to exclude the whole test-class from the process, because why is it even included during the sam build command? 

    Options I tried were:

    1. Setting GRADLE_OPTS before running the command -x test, similar to the MAVEN_OPTS example here: https://github.com/aws/aws-sam-cli/issues/1105#issuecomment-777703158
    2. Excluding the test-file or even just all tests in build.gradle, like:

      jar {

        sourceSets {

              main {

                  java {

                      exclude '**/TestExcludeClass.java'


                  kotlin {

                      exclude '**/TestExcludeKotlinClass.kt'





      Note that excluding everything with 'exclude '**/*.kt'  did make the sam build fail, so the changes were taken into account.
    3. In build.gradle add: excludeTestsMatching "com.mycompany.myfunction.lambda.MyServiceTest"
    4. test.onlyIf { ! Boolean.getBoolean(skipTests) } and then specifying as GRADLE_OPTS="-DskipTests=true"

    It seems the initial step of the sam build (JavaGradleWorkflow:JavaGradleCopyArtifacts) just takes all .class files anyway, even test classes.

    I tried turning off Telemetry That did have no affect on the error.


    Then I found this comment: https://github.com/aws/aws-sam-cli/issues/4031#issuecomment-1173730737

    Could it be that, that the path is just too long? Typical Windows limit so that could definitely be it.

    And yes after applying below command in PowerShell as an Administrator

    New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" `-Name "LongPathsEnabled" -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -Force

    it worked!

    Detailed explanation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/maximum-file-path-limitation?tabs=powershell#enable-long-paths-in-windows-10-version-1607-and-later

    The command ran fine! This is then the output:

    Build Succeeded

    Built Artifacts  : ..\..\techie\workspace\my-function\local\.aws-sam\build

    Built Template   : ..\..\techie\workspace\my-function\local\.aws-sam\build\template.yaml

    Commands you can use next


    [*] Validate SAM template: sam validate

    [*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke -t ..\..\techie\workspace\my-function\local\.aws-sam\build\template.yaml

    [*] Test Function in the Cloud: sam sync --stack-name {{stack-name}} --watch

    [*] Deploy: sam deploy --guided --template-file ..\..\techie\workspace\my-function\local\.aws-sam\build\template.yaml