Saturday, September 29, 2007

Best of this Week Summary 23 Sept - 29 Sept 2007

  • Interesting article on TSS on how to integrate user "presence" (like the status of a user in instant messaging) into JEE (J2EE) environments. More uses beside IM come to mind for JEE applications. The article suggests using XMPP, also known as Jabber. Session Initiation Protocol (RFC-3856) could also have been used but XMPP has been chosen because of the maturity of its existing server and Java implementations. In the example the opensource software OpenFire together with Smack from JiveSoftware Inc is used. Shown is a solution with JMS.

  • This guy, Derek Silvers, tried to rewrite his website (built with PHP) using Ruby on Rails. After 2(!) years he was only halfway. So he switched back to building it in PHP. The most interesting part of the post are the first 3 bullets in the "Inspired by Rails" part, where he lists his lessons learned:
    - all logic is coming from the models, one per database table, like Martin Fowler’s Active Record pattern.
    - no requires or includes needed, thanks to __autoload.
    - real MVC separation: controllers have no HTML or business-logic, and only use REST-approved HTTP. (GET is only get. Any destructive actions require POST.)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hands-on experience implementing OpenID

This is my third post about OpenID. To get you started, see my previous posts here and here.
In this post I'll be providing an overview of programming libraries that implement the consumer (a site that enables an OpenID login) and/or identity provider (service/site where a user has registered her OpenID), and also my experiences with them.
For many programming languages an implementation exists (both consumer and server). Libraries are available for: Java, C#, C++, Perl, Python, Ruby, Coldfusion and PHP. For an extensive list of these libraries, see this list.

My experiences with PHP libraries
As I mentioned in my first post, I've been working on a project where I had to add OpenID to an existing site. This site was built in PHP, so I had to look for a consumer library to OpenID-enable the site.
At first I looked at the high-quality opensource OpenID libraries provided by JanRain, Inc, which you can find here. These support also older PHP versions, from PHP 4.3.0 and upwards. The site I had to add OpenID to, still runs on an older PHP version, so this requirement was met. But after trying to integrate the library, I found out that it requires many PHP extensions the customer who the site belongs to, did not want to install all of them. For example PEAR::DB is needed if you use SQLite, PostgreSQL, or MySQL to store the OpenID data. (You might wonder: who does't use PEAR::DB? Well this customer doesnt' :-) Note that you might get away with a FileStore, as mentioned in this EasyOpenID implementation.

So to make the implementation more lightweight (I only needed a consumer supporting OpenID 1.1, preferably w/o any PEAR dependency), I started to look for alternatives. The most lightweight PHP library I could find was the Simple OpenID PHP Class. The only requirement it has is CURL. Basically it is only one PHP class file. It did contain some bugs originally, in the forum of the class you can find the most up-to-date code with a bunch of fixes.
Since the site I had to modify already had existing users, I had to come up with an implementation plan that handles migrating them too. This meant allowing existing users to be able to have an OpenID too. One problem is: how do you associate them with an OpenID? We basically did the same thing as is elaborately described in this nice article from Joseph Smarr, who implemented OpenID for their Plaxo platform. A recommened read if you're about to do the same job!
Basically, the implementation of adding OpenID to an existing site is a significant task. Your users will not see much change from the outside, but internally you most likely will have to modify your login flow, your forgot password flow and your change password flow. Still, providing your users to register with an OpenID is definitely a step forward for the user-friendliness of your site.

Other libraries
My main interest lies in Java, so I was seriously interested in the Java versions of these libraries. I've looked at the code of the OpenId4Java implementation, which originally was created by Sxip and donated to the Google code system.
It supports auto-detection for OpenID version 1.1 and 2.0. If for example the consumer finds out the OpenID version supported by the provider is not 2.0, it will create a client-nonce and append it. Thus a really elaborate library. Check here for a quick introduction btw to see what a nonce is.
But sadly I've not yet been able to integrate or implement one of the Java libraries.
A few note on the Java libraries listed at

  • The link is dead.
  • The NetMesh site gives quite a few warnings about the libraries being unsupported or in pre-release.
  • As mentioned above, the Sxip library can now be found at Google Code.
  • The "Informed Control Schemat Consumer, AX attribute metadata retriever" is not really a consumer/provider library, but a library for parsing and generating RDF.

I definitely recommend the mentioned PHP class if you only need to build a consumer with OpenID 1.1 support. If you need OpenID 2.0 support, I recommend one of the JanRain libraries. If you don't want to use PEAR::DB, you might be able to get away with this EasyOpenID implementation of a consumer. If you're using CakePHP, I'd recommend checking the OpenID module built for it (I've not tried this library). I've not been able to try out any of the Java classes yet, but I'd definitely recommend checking out the above mentioned quality implementation.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Best of this Week Summary 09 Sept - 16 Sept 2007

  • Good discussion about the question whether CSS frameworks are useful.

  • Quite basic but still interesting free online chapter "Beautiful tests" for a forthcoming book named "Beautiful Code". Interesting in it is that it shows that even the shortest piece of code can contain bugs, like a Binary Search implementation. Via TSS.

  • Good tips (thoughts) on scalability of an application. Quite a large focus on threading and decoupling of tasks, and a bit on memory usage.

  • Simple flexible little Java framework (I'd call it a pattern) to decouple event production and consumption. Check also this Ph. D thesis for an elaborate staged event-driven architecture.

  • There's now a nice introduction with example code to create a sample application for AIR (previously Apollo), Silverlight and JavaFX. I've also added it to post where I compare these and Flash/Flex.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Best of this Week Summary 03 Sept - 08 Sept 2007

  • Good interview with IBM VP about BPM and SOA and how they are related.

  • Microsoft released Silverlight 1.0 and is also going to built a version for Linux, together with Novell. That version, based on Mono, will be named Moonlight. Some more reports of this news here and here. See my post from May for a quick overview of Silverlight vs AIR vs JavaFX vs Flash/Flex.

  • 6 interesting questions you should address when considering SOA. Questions range from security to ROI.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Eight top OpenID providers comparison

This is my second post in a series on OpenID. See my previous post here.
For a project I did, I had to add OpenID to an existing website. One requirement of the project was that external OpenID providers should be used (thus the site would not also "be" an OpenID provider). To make sure the newly added code to support OpenID registration would work with most OpenID providers, I tested quite a few of these providers. This gave me quite a good overview of what functionality OpenID providers (should) provide, and how they compare to eachother. The OpenID providers I used for testing and this comparison are a sub-list from here.

The comparison table below lists each OpenID provider and gives a comparison of the most important features these providers (should) support. To be part of this comparison, the provider has to provide all functionality at least in English.

OpenID provider details the OpenID providers.
Version shows which OpenID version is supported. Listed will be either 1.1, and/or 2.0 (still in draft), and/or XRDS and/or Yadis.
HTTPs indicates whether HTTPs is enforced during the authentication, even if you type in the OpenID without the protocol (i.e. no leading http:// or https://).
Login redirect indicates whether the OpenID provider will allow you to login from a consumer (regular website that provides an OpenID login) by redirecting the user to the OpenID provider's login page. Already a few providers don't allow you this anymore. They will send the user to a very basic page, telling the user to first login to the OpenID provider. This page usually does not even contain a link to the login page. That page mentions that not putting a link on the page is to prevent phishing. I don't see that. How does not showing a link prevent phishing? A user would only know there is no link on that page if she has ended up on that page before. And even if she has seen the page before, would she remember that if ever ending on a phishing page with a link to the supposed login? I doubt that.
Simple registration ext indicates whether the OpenID provider supports this extension which allows very basic profile information to be passed back to the consumer. Examples are an email address and the nickname.
Personas allows you to assign a multiple of those profiles to the same OpenID (URL).
Additional features lists any specific features worth mentioning.

OpenID provider



Login redirect

Simple registration ext


Additional features




No. Shows after login whether you want to continue signing in.





1.1, Yadis, XRDS.


No. But shows username + password fields on the landing page.

No, e.g. nickname is not passed back.

0. Could not find where to enter e.g nickname.



1.1, Yadis.




0. Could not find where to enter e.g nickname.

The OpenID takes the form of instead of or similar.

VeriSign PIP

1.1, 2.0, Yadis, XRDS.


No. Does not show whether you want to continue after login.


1. At authentication you can indicate which fields should be passed back. You can also create new custom fields!

Still in beta. I do remember seeing multiple personas but it seems they dropped it. Very basic landing page if you go to the OpenID URL.


1.1, 2.0, Yadis, XRDS.




Yes, many.

Very elaborate OpenID provider. Provides the most functionality. From JanRain, Inc, which also provides many libraries for implementing OpenID.


1.0, maybe 1.1.




0. Could not find where to enter e.g nickname.

The OpenID takes the form of instead of

1.0, maybe 1.1.



No. At least, you can fill it in on a profile page, but I noticed multiple sites not being able to find any nickname in the OpenID reply.


Strange that they seem to support a profile, but I couldn't get it to return for example a nickname when logging in with an OpenID. In any case, on the page where you have to allow/deny, it does NOT show any of the fields I filled in on the profile page.


1.0, maybe 1.1, Yadis, XRDS.

Yes when you specify the protocol in your OpenID



1. If you haven't filled in your profile, you can enter it there on the spot.

The OpenID takes the form of instead of

I was really surprised to find out that not all providers perform the authentication in HTTPs. Sounds like a basic security feature that be enabled by default as OpenID provider. Also all above OpenID providers seem to be run by a commercial company. Not many non-profit versions exist (like This one I did not include because it is in Dutch.

If you want a free anonymous OpenID, check this Anonymous OpenID server. Note that anybody can use that anonymous OpenID since it requires no authentication!
This service lets you use your Yahoo! account as an OpenID.

Based upon the above table and my experience, the most secure (i.e. HTTPs), solid (not in beta) and flexible (multiple profiles) OpenID provider is Of course you should try not to be dependent on one provider and therefore use delegation; see my previous posting for an explanation of delegation.