The best articles and links to interesting posts for technical team leaders building sophisticated websites, applications and mobile apps.
Think about: software architecture, hardware architecture, design, programming, frameworks, scalability, performance, quality assurance, security, resolving issues, fixing bugs and Android.
A Google site dedicated to deploying Google Apps in an enterprise (more than 100 users).
Which on is the best of these agile methodologies: Scrum or Kanban? Differences and similarities are described. The unsurprising answer: it depends on the situation :) My conclusion: Kanban has less "rules" to follow and thus might be a better suit for experienced agile developers.
A handy opensource Java library (no i18n yet) for showing real user friendly times, like "in 3 minutes", formats you see on many social sites like Digg and Facebook: PrettyTime.
This blogpost describes how's the opensource project MySQL fork Drizzle handling code contributions and testing. Some rules for the 100+ contributors are:
No code will be accepted that works by disabling any existing tests
It is not allowed to contribute code that causes a compiler warning
This week I performed a short research on tools being able to generate Java classes from XSDs. All I wanted to use it for is generate my domainmodel classes, nothing more, nothing less. No need for Java <--> XML binding/conversions. Another requirement was that the generated code should not contain any dependencies on that tool. Finally, it has to run under JDK 1.4 too :( Because of that last requirement, this summary was already quite handy. Well, I thought the research would be pretty easy, but it wasn't. Actually, in the end I didn't succeed. None of the below tools generate code that has no tool-specific imports. Do you know of any tool that should do it? Let me (us :) know in the comments! Below a summary of my findings:
Castor 0.9.x and 1.3: generates classes (no interfaces), with matching Descriptor classes per class that can be used to validate the created object. Imports org.castor.* stuff.
XMLBeans 2.4.0 generates interfaces and implementing classes. Both import xmlbeans classes.
JAXB 1.0 generates interfaces, implementing classes and runtime classes (haven't figured out what that is exactly). Imports JAXB classes/interfaces.
XMLSpy 2006 Enterprise Edition: generates classes. Looks more like you expect, "one class per type". But also needs com.altova.* imports.
Another article with more details and explanation on WOA by Dion HinchCliffe. Web Oriented Architecture: it's a set of best practices for designing Web applications in which REST is the foundational architectural style. Below the stack:
Presentation from the author of POJOs in Action on running Java applications in Amazon's EC2. Shortly describes the opensource project Cloud Tools that can be used to configure Tomcat, MySQL, Apache, JMeter, (cluster) deployment etc. CT also includes AMIs pre-installed with these tools and a Maven and Grails plugin. A couple of sample deployment architectures are shown too. Tiny bit older presentation because it does not mention the AWS Management Console.
Of course you know YSlow, which helps you analysing your webpage load time, and then gives you tips on how to improve it. Google has just opensourced its similar tool Page Speed, but with tips based upon different insights. It's a Firefox add-on integrated with Firebug.
A 42 minutes presentation by LinkedIn's engineers on exploring the best available technologies which could be used to build its next generation architecture. "The new architecture involved using OSGI/Spring DM as the foundation because it had the right properties we were interested in. The code was migrated to a more modular paradigm using binary consumption. The session will demonstrate how they integrated OSGi, the pros and cons of the changes, the pain points as well as the migration strategy."
I'm a professional software designer/architect/developer/software engineer with over 25 years of experience. For many years I've been a Technical Team Lead for complex software engineering projects. My main area of focus is Java/Kotlin microservice architectures and related challenges (design, scalability, performance etcetera). Currently Kotlin has got a lot of my attention. I will be posting lessons learned, and lessons that I'll be learning during the coming years :-)